Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 5: Beijing

No digital photos from my last day.

I checked out, and proceeded to take a cab to the Temple of Heaven Park. I went during appropriate hours this time. Nice day for a visit to a sacrificial altar, wouldn't you say?

Visited the main buildings and then left. Took a cab to the airport shuttle station, and then (you guessed it) caught the shuttle to the airport. The ride was very quick which meant that I was even earlier than the early early I had intended on being.

I hung around the airport for several hours before hopping on a plane to Macau. I sat at the very back of the plane and had the row of seats to myself. During my layover in Macau I tried to exchange my RMB to NT, but the teller had run out. As I've been told, there's only one place in Taiwan where I can exchange my money. I guess I'll just wait till I go to Japan.

Fly from Macau --------> to Taiwan. It was night, and I'd missed the last bus to Zhongli by several hours. I ended up taking a cab back to the Zhong. The driver didn't really know where I lived and so, as soon as I was within walking distance of the train station I had him drop me off.

A good trip to an interesting city. I got to practice my Mandarin more than usual. I mean, we're talking extremely basic Mandarin, but it was a lot of fun. A few times I slipped a French word in by accident.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, more similarities with my trip, except for the Mandarin. I'm still writing. Slowly.