Friday, November 30, 2007

The Spelling Bee

The first round of the Spelling Bee competition took place today. It seems like we've been practicing the words for a long time. Maybe we didn't live and breathe the Spelling Bee word list, but it's presence was felt.

We will be holding a final round next week, and today's winning students will battle it out for the prestige and points. And do they ever love points.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Guess who got her Chinese visa? That'd be me. True - it's the first hurdle to actually traveling to China. There's still the flight, hotel, etc. to worry about. I do worry too. Anyway, the plan is to visit Beijing during my break between semesters. I have other travel plans too, but we'll see if all comes together.

Yesterday I went to a clothing store and ended up chatting with the staff. It's always interesting trying to communicate when you don't speak enough of the same language. One of the staff asked about the pronunciation of "shirt," and I was more than happy to help. They were very nice and friendly, and even gave me a discount.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Unexpected visitor

Scholastic bunny dropped by my classroom this morning. The rabbits are escape artists who practice their trade daily. This one may have an interest in learning English.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Some neighbours

...keep to themselves.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Time for Taipei

Musical duo Wow:

An uncluttered Taipei Main Station:

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Two dents are better than one

P.S. Our department held an open house today.

Friday, November 23, 2007

All kinds

As a teacher I'm exposed to all kinds of people. Kids develop their personality traits early on, I'd have to agree. I see how they are now, and I imagine how they'll behave when they're 'adults'.

Yesterday a kid in my class took a girl's eraser, put it in a urinal, and, well - let's just say that it wasn't dry anymore.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving in Taiwan

Thanksgiving has never been a holiday I particularly enjoyed or looked forward to. As a kid I disliked that it is near my birthday because it meant that less people could come to my birthday party.

The holiday has come and gone on Canadians' calendars, but today's the day in America. Our department kindly had Thanksgiving lunch brought to the school.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Don't lay down again, just for a minute

How many times have I said that to myself?

That happened to me this morning. Think I'll lay down on the wooden platform - I mean bed - just for a minute more. I woke up an hour and a half later. Luckily it wasn't a problem for my schedule because I don't start work till late in the morning. Still, I could have been doing something in that time! Yeah, I guess sleep is a good thing too.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Closed shoes

Been wearing pants more often lately, and now closed shoes may follow suit. Out come the newly given furry socks. I was surprised at how many of my students noticed that I was wearing closed shoes the first day I wore them.

Kids are always getting injured. Today one kid was accidentally elbowed in the face and he had a bloody nose as a result. Actually, this is the second time this has happened to the kid, but the last time it was someone else who had elbowed him. It's amazing how many injuries can be inflicted during the ten minute break on the playground.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Asian Ronald McDonald

I was at McDick's today and an area of the eatery was sectioned off for a kid's birthday. The Asian version of Ronald McDonald made an appearance and clowned about as usual. Dammit! Should have brought my camera with me today.

Instead, here's a picture of a pooch on it's scooter.

Garden party and training

Remind me why I woke up early. Oh, right - the garden party. The name is quite misleading if you ask me. The event consisted of stalls selling food/goods, game play areas, and a variety of talent (?) showcases.

It could be yours, oh yes, it could be yours.

Health food:

After strolling the street to see what it had to offer, we went to our very nearby co-worker's apartment. Others who didn't join us chose to watch the stage.

The snacks:

My afternoon consisted of traveling to Hsinchu for a half day of teacher training. When the workshops were over we hung around by the train station and happened by some outdoor performances. Kids on piano, two dance routines, and a few songbirds.

Friday, November 16, 2007


The diamond clearly hasn't been laminated.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The case of the watery cappuccino

At work we have an espresso machine and I attempted to make a cappuccino for a co-worker the other day. Didn't go so smoothly.

The milk was heating up alright, but the steaming wand was adding far too much hot water to the milk. Result: watery cappuccino and a brave co-worker, kind enough to pretend that it was of decent taste.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ring the alarm

This afternoon we had a fire drill at school. Frankly, I'm glad it happened when I was responsible for only four students. Four is much easier to manage during events as such.

It was the entertainment of the afternoon. Every class in the school was sitting outside in the yard and we watched a demonstration of fires being lit and then extinguished. Several fires were lit, and the last one had three lives. It wouldn't die down. Must have had drank an energy drink beforehand.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Set the traps

There's a massive cockroach living in my classroom. It made an unwelcome appearance yesterday. We now have cockroach traps set up throughout the room. Please die, thanks.

Monday, November 12, 2007


We're holding a Spelling Bee in the English Department in the upcoming weeks. Now is the time to practice. Some students are motivated to study and memorize the words regardless of what you say, but most aren't motivated in the least. That's where the points-prize system comes in. Students love getting points.

When I revealed the number of points for the top ranking students in the Bee I tried to be as dramatic as possible. I had to make it sound amazing and worth the effort extolled. I had to describe it as an achievable goal, even if the odds are against them.

I've never held their undivided attention as much as I did during that speech of mine. Even gave myself goosebumps - it was that good. I felt like a sports coach in a cliche Hollywood movie.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Officially sick

It all began with a sore throat. Just in time for the weekend too. I didn't do much today since I needed the extra rest.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Life's obstacles

I made a small obstacle course for the students in one of my classes today. Teach and play simultaneously. The simplest course can be great fun for them. It wasn't easy for me to manage the activity and take photos, so maybe we'll have more obstacle courses in the future. Keep the dolphins swimming and endorphins flowing.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Anne of Green Gables

That's what I'm reading right now, just in case you wanted to know.

Whenever I think of the title I'm reminded of the TV ads of the series? or miniseries? or made-for-TV movie? But anyway, I think you get the point.

Before I came to Taiwan I thought I'd often be bored when I had spare time. Thought I'd get a lot of reading done. Think so? Think again.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Permed paper

It's funny in a semi-devastating way: coming back to your place and finding the paper things at your place with curled edges. In the beginning you think, no, the humidity won't get to you after less than a single day of exposure, but you're wrong. So very wrong.

After the regular school semester there will be Winter Camp. It seems that it'll be quite different from Summer Camp. The former will be centre upon The Little Prince. Apparently I used to really like the book as a child. I don't have many memories of that, but do remember thinking that there were some cool pictures inside.

I'm probably going to incorporate a French class in Winter Camp which is REALLY exciting.

Monday, November 5, 2007

How about I

post a summery pic and give the impression that the weather in Taiwan is still warm.

Actually, I'm looking forward to cooler weather. I may need to buy warmer clothes though. As for a bigger and warmer blanket for my bed, I plan on holding out till the last minute. I'd like to see if I can make it through the winter without buying another blanket. Layering clothing just may be the key!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


'Mailbox' is a fun word for many of my students. They think that 'mail' sounds like 'mayo,' the Mandarin word for no. (Syllables aren't so important in their thinking.) The word sounds like 'no box' which is apparently hilarious. It's a way to speak Chinese under the guise that they're speaking English.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Went to Sanyi for a (distant) co-worker's wedding reception.

Veg-o-meter table.

It had a taro-like substance inside.

Clearly enjoying her hamburger ice cream.

Saying hello to pig neighbors.

Then went to the Sanyi Wood Carving Museum. No pictures are allowed inside. There's an abundance of intricate and delicate carvings.

The town is famous for it's wood carvings.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Report cards

This week has been mid-term week for my students. Now it's time for report cards. They seem to have replaced my essays in a sense.