Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bites tonight

Not much excitement happening over here. All the usual work things. I seem to popular with mosquitoes these days. Right, that's included in the summer deal.

Maybe summer can help cure my skin problem. Judging by the shade of my arms and legs, I could be two different people.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hsinchu BBQ & sleepover/Nanjuang and the water slide

Train ride to Hsinchu on Saturday after work. We are picked up and wait around at the house until the BBQ begins. Walk around a quiet neighbourhood. There are two chicken farms in the area.

Still waiting. How about a motorcycle show? The group of people we were with are primarily from an activity group (the name translates as exploding liver) who partake in hiking, water sports, biking, etc.

Back to the house. Let there be BBQ.

Large sleepover.

The next day we leave early-ish. From Hsinchu there is a two hour drive to Nanjuang. The details about what we'd be doing were unclear, but I knew it would be some sort of "water play."

It's a river/pond type of place. For most of the day we were the only people there. Source of fun: there's a natural slide:

Overgrown cliffs at either side:

BBQ time again:

Sugar cane:

It was on my leg :/

Family Day

On Saturday morning our school held a Family Day.

I made posters for each class to showcase their works.

The activity for the day was DIY dumplings.

Steaming the dumplings:

Time to eat!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


In Taiwan wedding bands aren't customarily worn. Had she (and the song writers) been from here, what would Freda Payne have sung about...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Missing you

That's right my little at-times-inconvenient, limited-space MP3 player, I miss you. Up until this point, I've not regretted leaving you in Canada. Today, a wind of change blew through my life.

The next time I go on an extended trip, I will bring my MP3 player.

P.S. Val's Art Diary on YouTube is a good e-find.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Garden party and training 2

At a nearby elementary school they were holding a garden party. Toy garage sale, snacks, and games.

In the afternoon we went to Hsinchu for a half day of teacher training.

Afterward we went for dinner and ate near the Chenghuang Temple.

The man in the orange was continually touching the noodles with his hands. Not something you want to see.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thunderous times

Rainy weather all this week. I went to 7-11 after work, which is only a block away, and I was drenched. At least it was tropically warm out; my bare toes didn't go into shock.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wrists of fire

Last week my students wrote mid-terms and today I finished my last report card. I was practically lightning, I was that quick. Maybe it helped that I had plenty of material to discuss, what with the recent mid-term and all.

In Vancouver, I never was a text message kind of gal. I've sent a few texts recently though. No, no! Must ... not ... get addicted.

I'm ridiculously behind on my journal. I keep notes about most days, but I hadn't kept the journal itself up to date. The past few days I've been catching up with that, however I've been feeling like my hands may fall off.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Kill Bill Vol. 2

This morning I was like Beatrix Kiddo/The Bride/Black Mamba after she wakes up from a coma: when I tried to stand and get up out of bed, I collapsed on the floor. This isn't the first time, either. After sleeping for 11-12 hours, my muscles weren't adjusted to walking yet. I should probably try to sit up first, rather than attempting to stand up straight away.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Mt. Datun and Jinshan

More wildlife in 7-11. This time, a bird.

That's my hand using a plastic bag to catch and hold the bird. (I put it outside.)

Mt. Datun in Yamingshan National Park. Hiking with umbrellas.

It rained off and on. Even through the trees we would have gotten quite wet without umbrellas or raincoats. A misty day...

Squawking bird in the tree. There were two, but they didn't show up well.

There's a frog (or toad) in there somewhere.

For making honey and ginger tea:

Yet another Old Street:

Hiking in the Jinshan area now.

Lots of sea spray and wind. Great views though.

Two candlesticks:

We walked/climbed along the shoreline by way of these smoothed over rocks and boulders. Most areas weren't nearly as level and easily walkable as this. Nobody fell into the ocean though.
This man was making the same trip as us, but with his bike. Craziness.

A narrow natural tunnel we passed through:

After the ocean walk we passed through this small town.

We headed to a set of tunnels. There is no lighting in there so we made use of flashlights. A family of bats were hanging in one room.

Eat, shop, and bus back.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Day 4: Thailand

In the morning I flew from Chiang Mai to Bangkok.

From Bangkok I flew to Taiwan. Both my flights were late.

Upon arrival in Taiwan I took a bus back to my place. I was worried I wouldn't make the last scheduled bus so I didn't bother trying to exchange the rest of my Baht back to NT. In Thailand the exchange businesses were only able to change large NT bills. I was finally able to exchange my RMB though.