Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hsinchu BBQ & sleepover/Nanjuang and the water slide

Train ride to Hsinchu on Saturday after work. We are picked up and wait around at the house until the BBQ begins. Walk around a quiet neighbourhood. There are two chicken farms in the area.

Still waiting. How about a motorcycle show? The group of people we were with are primarily from an activity group (the name translates as exploding liver) who partake in hiking, water sports, biking, etc.

Back to the house. Let there be BBQ.

Large sleepover.

The next day we leave early-ish. From Hsinchu there is a two hour drive to Nanjuang. The details about what we'd be doing were unclear, but I knew it would be some sort of "water play."

It's a river/pond type of place. For most of the day we were the only people there. Source of fun: there's a natural slide:

Overgrown cliffs at either side:

BBQ time again:

Sugar cane:

It was on my leg :/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Omigod, every part of this looks like fun, especially the slide!