Friday, March 7, 2008

Day 2: Japan

A day of trains/light rail/metro/whathaveyous. It felt like I spent half the day on trains.

Chihiro walked me to the closest train station in the morning. The walk to her apartment is a bit maze-like.

First stop of the day: Sensoji Temple. Shops greet your entrance to the main building.

Hozo-mon Gate:

Purify thyself! Before entering the shrine, purify left hand, right hand, rinse mouth, left hand, and lastly the dipper.

Theee shrine:

Japan, a.k.a. Vending Machine World.

Trains to Harajuku.

Forest pathway that leads toward the Meiji Shrine.

Main building:

Glimpsed a wedding passing through.

Gothic Lolitas out and about Harajuku. I saw other cosplay participants, but I wasn't fast enough with my camera.

Off to Shinjuku. This is the busiest station in Tokyo.

Next, Shibuya, a shopping and entertainment district. This is a crazy mass-movement crosswalk where pedestrians from each direction walk at the same time.

Small map:

Next, Roppongi. I arrived as night descended. Tokyo Tower aglow:

Is that it? It felt like I went to ten more places. After it all, I went back to Chihiro's apartment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You saw quite a lot despite all the time in transit and it looks way more fun than our old transit-for-fun days! Maze-like huh? I imagine it would be east to get lost.