Thursday, December 27, 2007

6 months

I've been in Taiwan for half a year. I wouldn't say that time has whizzed by nor drudged along, but it's almost hard to believe that it's been 6 months. Suppose time has a habit of passing.

This week has seemed shorter because we spent Monday doing Christmas activities. Maybe it's that and that I've got radio again. Yesterday a DJ said that he was going to play some "good music" and, skeptical as I was, they played Radiohead. Wow! Today there was the same Radiohead song and a Nirvana song! Now, I'm not saying that I loathe the rest of the music played, but there is a lot of fluff and one-dimensional cliched songs. Catchy though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can believe it. I've been tracking it. ;)

Radio! Yippee! Your brothers were just talking about Radiohead last night . . .