Saturday, September 8, 2007

National Central University

I went for a stroll around NCU today. It's a fifteen minute bus ride away. Hey look, hockey in Taiwan!
NCU is responsible for Taiwan's satellite in space. My picture makes this satellite look like a bird death ray.
Jhong-da Lake on campus:

Here a turtle basks in the sun, perfecting the tan:
The male and female dorms are separate. There are 11 male dorms, and 5 female. Of faculty dorms, there are three male, and 1 female. There are also 4 ambiguous "Faculty Residence" buildings.

My face got sunburned today. Up until this point I've just been tanning. I think I'm going to start using the sunscreen I bought.

Life is exhausting. Sleepy puppies:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The turtle looks as though it is missing its foreleg. Death ray incident while aiding birds perhaps?