Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Not again

Another typhoon just may end up disrupting my lesson plan plans. Sepat is headed toward Taiwan, and is estimated to meet the coast by Friday. Our re-scheduled field trip was supposed to be for this Thursday-Friday, but now it may end up being called off altogether.

I had a bit of a headache by the end of the day today. It didn't help that a few of the boys in my class tried to run up the wall, martial arts-movie style.


ADB said...

Two links for you to keep track of Sepat:

JTWC: https://metocph.nmci.navy.mil/jtwc.php which issues the official warnings

Tropical Cyclones blog
http://tropicalcyclones.blogspot.com/ which attempts a lay-man's summary of above warnings

Anonymous said...

'Tis the season I suppose but too bad to be missing the field trip; in retrospect last week might have been safe after all.

Do you have about the same ratio of boys to girls in this group as the last? How many are Jackie Chan wannabes?

Elizabeth said...

Thanks adb.

Last week would have been fine, yeah. Ah well. A week 3 field trip is better because it means having a break closer to the end of school.

This group is split 50-50. Probably about 3 Jackie Chan wannabes.