Sunday, July 29, 2007

Bali and Danshuei

This morning as I waited at the school to be picked up, I visited the outdoor rabbits. Here, a baby escapee in its natural habitat: mop and foliage.

We drove to Bali first, and went to the Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology. Ancient pottery, weapons, and ironwork. The building itself is a piece of modern art - award-winning, as a matter of fact. This picture doesn't do it justice. An archaeological dig display as seen from above:
On the top level of the museum there's a glass floor with grid paneling, but you can still see well to the floors below. Right after you walk across, you see this sign:
A lot of the museums here are very affordable to visit. How nice.

Leaving the museum, I wanted to get a drink. I reached into this cooler to grab an iced tea, but I found that the bottle was empty. Most of the bottles were empty. I may never recover from this shock of a lifetime. Yes, this is photo- and blog-worthy.

P.S. I drank watermelon juice instead.
A beach in Bali:
The shoreline reminded me of the beaches in Vancouver, with the main exception being that there are many more people here.

Down by the water we caught crabs and tiny "special" fish with lungs. There were also countless rolly-polly, wide millipede-like bugs scurrying amongst the rocks.
After the shoreline stroll, a short ferry ride from the Bali Wharf to Danshuei. Here are the old streets of Danshuei:

We walked through the streets, and later ate dinner. It remains busy here day and night. The sun starting to set:
Danshuei night shopping:
There are many things to see. This man can cut a piece of paper into the shape of the side profile of your face in a few minutes.
Interesting ... ?
Would you like to "copy myself hand"?
The ferry ride back to Bali, though short and less than dry, was a highlight of my day (err, night). It was too dark for my camera to capture the view, but I'm sure you can imagine. Breeze + lights in the night + being on a boat = good memory.


Anonymous said...

Camouflaged bunny: kee-yute!

Anonymous said...

That was worth waiting for. What an eventful day! I loved the sign at the museum for those in wheelchairs, those using walkers, and those who are pregnant!

(You didn't say if you copied yourself hand or had your profile cut into paper. . . :D)

Elizabeth said...

I didn't "copy myself hand" or get a cut-out of my shadow. You can get a sketch of your portrait here for less than $5. I didn't do that either.