Sunday, July 15, 2007

Relaxed day

I didn't do very much today, which was really nice. I slept in, did my laundry, and went grocery shopping. When I was putting my clothes in the washer, I could hear someone playing the piano.

Since the rest of my day was spent doing things that won't really interest you, I think now's a good time to mention a few things I forgot to write in my previous posts:

-I saw a lizard! in the wild! At Little Ding-Dong Park one of the kids pointed out a lizard climbing on a tree. Despite my best efforts, I didn't manage to take a picture before it scampered off.

-When I was getting my hair straightened, six hair dressers worked on my hair over the course of the night. At the end, three women were blow-drying my hair. It was quite funny.

-I commonly see funny English translations on signs, but the t-shirt industry is possibly the jackpot. There are many t-shirts with words in English on them, and a lot of them make absolutely no sense. Some are just letter scrambles mish-mashed together. I plan on looking out for the most ridiculous one I can find, buying it, and then wearing it when I go back to Canada.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope the piano playing wasn't horrible and annoying like when I used to practice as a kid; the same mistakes over and over again.

BTW Geiko is doing just fine and Katie is still thrilled.

Did you feel like a Diva getting swarmed like that?

Menus are often a great source for mangle and mutilated language.