Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The inedible kind

We painted Styrofoam balls for our solar system models today. The kids were really messy today, and I'm glad to say that all the painting is finished for this group.

Tomorrow we're going on a field trip to a museum or two. Hooray for outdoors teaching!

It's been cooler here lately. Not cool, but not as hot as it was when I first arrived. It's nice.


Anonymous said...

Yay! It looks like you have included Pluto! I think it's unfair it lost its status. It will always be a planet to me. :D

Any paint or glue eaters in your class? ;-)

What fun to have so many field trips. I wonder if that will be the case in the regular school year or if it is a camp thing. I used to love driving you on field trips in elementary school.

Anonymous said...

BTW, great newspapers!

Elizabeth said...

I did include Pluto because all of my teaching materials are outdated. I thought it'd be fine to include Pluto as long as I mentioned that it's not actually considered a planet anymore.

Elizabeth said...

No glue or paint eaters in my class that I've observed. I have seen a top-of-seat snot-smearer though.

I doubt there will be field trips during the regular school year :(