Friday, July 20, 2007

Smoothie constellation

In Happy Kitchen class today we made smoothies with banana, dragon fruit, apples, strawberry yogurt, and orange juice. Fun to make, and the kids seemed to enjoy them.

In Science we made individual glittery Milky Way galaxies. Later, we also drew our own constellations, poked holes where the stars were, and used a flashlight to project the image onto the wall in the dark. I think this class has given me a few ideas of things to try at home myself!

I'm glad the weekend has arrived because I'm tired. Today was unexpectedly hectic, and I found out that I had to change classrooms, so my old room can be decorated. Apparently I'll be in the new room until the end of August, which is as long as winter camp runs. (Winter camp starts after Summer camp finishes.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Happy Kitchen." Isn't that an oxymoron? Are the children being brainwashed? I'm so bored with having to cook! I would rather create galaxies and constellations or better yet, have my house decorated.

Hope you have a relaxing weekend!

*Hugs from Home*