Saturday, July 7, 2007

Take me to Taipei

I joined some of the school staff for an outing to Taipei today. First we went to The Great Roots Forestry Resort Spa for lunch. Our tables we in a private room with a karaoke machine. Who wants to sing "I Put a Spill on You"?
After lunch we went for a hike on a trail in a forest. I have at least five new bug bites :/

It was really hot and humid out to begin with, so by the end of the uphill mountain hike, we were all extremely hot.

I saw an amazing red dragonfly on a plant in a koi pond. It's tiny, but here's the pic.Next, we visited a temple and walked around the streets nearby.


Anonymous said...

Sing? No, I shall spare everyone.

Put a spill on someone? Yes. Absolutely.

Nice koi pond and dragonfly. Humid hiking sounds unneccesarily strenuous. Did you say a little prayer at the temple?

Elizabeth said...

Everyone was really sweaty that day. One person's shirt was completely drenched. When I get hot, my face gets red, which is quite annoying.

I didn't say a prayer, but I did pay my respects, so in a way, yes.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, you must get that from me, I do the same thing. My lobster face looks quite alarming to others. :/