Friday, July 6, 2007

Taiwan: Day 3

I helped out in another kindergarten class today. I also helped conduct the oral component of the final exam for two classes. Most of my day was spent at school, continuing getting acquainted, and planning for teaching summer camp next week.

Some of the locals don't look at me funnily, and seem to think that I'm from here. It's quite fun for me. If I go to 7-11, I like to pretend that I am a local and can speak the language. This of course means not speaking at all and hoping that noone speaks more than a sentence to me. As my seal of confirmation that I am a local, I do thank the person at the till in Mandarin. For one word, I don't think my accent would be blatantly noticeable.

One of these days I'm going to have to reveal my tourist-self though, because I want to take pictures of the inside of a 7-11 so I can show you all some of the different snack foods they have. I'll probably end up doing this at a 7-11 in another city, one where I won't have to go back to.


Unknown said...

7-11s!!! Oh how I miss Taiwan's 7-11s!! If only you could try the hot dogs Liz... so yummy!! But I am glad for you that they're providing vegetarian meals.

Elizabeth said...

The 7-11s are SO great here :) They're not poorly lit and creepy, and they carry better stuff than the ones in Canada.