Friday, July 6, 2007

More about my flight and arrival

Sometimes it's good to be a vegetarian, like when you eat airplane food. The staff always serve specialty meals first. Most of the airplane food I consumed was good, with the noted exception of a bun that looked like it hadn't been baked. On purpose?

"Veggie meal?" I was asked, and had to confirm, many times. On the phone line for reservations, at the airport, and on the airplane.

Here's another shot from the plane. You can see land! (If you look closely.)

I flew over part of the Northern coast of B.C., Alaska, Japan, and another place that I didn't write down the name of. I tried to take a picture of the island when I was flying over Japan, but the clouds were in my way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And in my window seat I will be served either vegetarian or Kosher or some otherwise special meal. I am always hungry and want to be served first.